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"What a delight to enjoy the score, played by an 8-piece orchestra behind the screen at the back of the stage (joyously revealed at the end) as well as the terrific clarinet work by Joe LaRocca..."

"However, it was the performance of Joe LaRocca – who played clarinet, flute, and saxophone throughout the show – that stood out the most. LaRocca evoked emotion and changed the mood of the scene with his magnificent stage presence – not distracting, but not easily ignored."

"Perloff’s addition of a musician – Joe LaRocca playing a variety of instruments to identify the eras in various scenes – is a master stroke, as LaRocca unobtrusively winds around the impressive set..."

"And at one point, musician Joe LaRocca, who plays the flute and saxophone beautifully throughout, offers up an instrumental of the African American spiritual 'Wade in the Water.'"

"The three actors – ably accompanied by multi-instrumentalist Joe LaRocca – do more telling than showing."

"Playing a key part in the overall atmosphere of “The Lehman Trilogy” is musician Joe LaRocca, who discreetly moves around onstage, playing saxophone, clarinet, and flute."

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